Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pleasure Thyself

When I really want to pleasure myself it's a private moment that I seek. While masturbation can be done with a partner, and is very enjoyable when done that way, I get the most pleasure from masturbation when it's MY moment. The fact that it's all about me and nobody else is very possibly one of the reasons it's so much more pleasurable. And while toys are really really REALLY nice, my hands always out-work them. Also, though I like visual stimulation as well as the next girl, the best porn flicks are always the ones that my mind creates. This is my pleasure moment. And sometimes it only lasts a few minutes. Long enough to climax and then relax.

Pleasure thyself! I've heard of girls being embarrassed by masturbation and even abstaining from it because they think it's wrong. But here's the thing. It's nothing embarrassing and it's GOOD for you. It's your own special moment where you get to know your body. The more you know your body, the more you'll love it. And the more you love it, the happier you will be. It's also a great stress reliever. AND it feels good. And the best part about this amazing awesome pleasure, it's all about you!

So, pleasure thyself! There is nothing wrong about it.

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