Sunday, July 26, 2009

This small town atrocity.

Take me away from here.
Away from this small town atrocity.
Away from the open fields and dense forests. Away from the cool clean air and wild animals and wide open space. So very beautiful, they do speak to my soul. Take me away from these closed minds.

How could something so closed live in someplace so open? How could ideas so ugly breed in a place so beautiful?

They crowd around me. Smothering. Marching on like clones. Not thinking, not feeling. Everything that is different is bad. Anything that is bad must be destroyed.

And I, I am the wild rose blooming in their well kept garden. Ferocious with feral beauty. My thorns may be sharp but my petals are delicate. The Geraniums* swarm all around gathering their stones to throw. They shout out my sins. I'm charged with being different, alive, real. Either I conform or die.

I am me, I am open and free. I will not give in to their selfish closed minded demands. I will not conform. I call out to the Mother Goddess to take me away.

Take me away from here.
Away from this small town atrocity.

* GERANIUM -Stupidity; Folly:

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