Monday, September 8, 2008

Words. . .

Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but words may never hurt me.

This little childhood ryme is just a lie. Sure, only you have power over what you allow to get to you but words have points that can puncture any barier. It's much easier to take a beating than to listen to someone tear you down with what they have to say. But, that's just the misuse of words. There is so much more to them than just that.

I've been thinking for a while on how to broach the subject of words, I think of them often. To me they have a flavour, a texture, a smell! They are not just sounds! Mere syllables assigned a meaning. When a word is spoken it is born into this world and given new life and new meaning aside from what the dictonary has to say about it. It does not matter what language the words are spoken in, they are all beautiful and unique. Words are not bad unless you make them bad! I love words and could go on all day about them but something written on a forum I'm a member of caught my eye and I'd like to share what other people have to say about words.

"This was a simple reply to someone's foolishness on another website, but it touched me and I wanted to share with everyone here.

Mere words? Mere words? Do you have any idea the power that words carry? Words are the currency of our lives, coins falling from our lips and fingers. And far too many of us spend them without thinking, on things that are meaningless or harmful to ourselves and others. Such language becomes bankrupt, until all the spendthrift can do is mouth empty, worthless noise. Those who spend the currency of their lives wisely can accomplish amazing things. Just with words.


"Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world. -- The Buddha"

Both very touching true things. Words can change the world. So how will you use them?

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