Thursday, February 4, 2010

Time Inflames my Wounds

Emotional wounds are funny things. They never completely heal. While time heals physical wounds, it only inflames the not so tangible ones. I've been broken so many times and when I think it couldn't possibly hurt any worse it opens up and bleeds everywhere again. They tear open with memory triggers. Something someone says, a song from back in the day, a picture, a smell. . .anything associated with those painful memories can tear me wide open again. The blood coats everything in my life, discolouring it with my poisonous grief. Fresh tears burn my wounds and destroy any semblance of stability I might have been able to build. When the whole world is crumbling around me and I have nothing left to hang onto, the jagged red pieces of my heart begin to close up filling in with scar tissue. But the dull ache will always remind me of the pain.

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