Sunday, September 20, 2009



Not that word used when you want something but can't have it and your parents are unsympathetic.


What happens when life kicks your ass and leaves you for dead on the side of the road. But you refuse to die. You push on and keep going through the hurts. Broken hearts. Tough decisions. Lost faith. You still stand through the pain.


It's hard on the outside but soft and gooey on the inside. Even when you take deep gashes. Like when that bitch keyed your car. Cut it right down into the metal. You can buff it but that only takes the edge off. You can fill it in and paint over it. But it's still there and so are you.

Tough is standing tall and strong even when you are laughed at. Tough is being kind to someone in need, even when that someone is your enemy. Tough is choosing to be the better person. Tough is admitting you're wrong and saying sorry. Tough is living life THROUGH the hardships and pains instead of AROUND them.


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