Friday, June 29, 2012


Life is comprised of choices.  Which road to follow, what path is the right one?  With every decision made, three more follow.  Every step we take molds us into a new shape.  We are the masters of our own destinies.  Inevitably, as flawed beings, we will make mistakes.  And when mistakes happen we have no one to blame but ourselves.  A terrible but true realization. 

We all look for someone to place blame on, never wishing to accept that we laid our own lot.  In youth we are so innocent and free, never realizing how dark the world around us really is until we are forced to face the consequences of our choices.  

The world is a harsh place that erodes our convictions and leaves the nerves of our sensibilities raw and exposed.  And in this exposure the true trials of life begin.  Choices aren’t so easy anymore.  Nothing is simple black and white.  Wrong and right blur together and we must use the tools we’ve gathered to discern which path is right for us.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Poisonous Stain

Tell me love,
Where do you get off?
I fuckin carried you!
Loved you harder than anyone could.
My heart beat,
blood pulsing through me,
only to bring you happiness!
My every waking moment,
my every passing thought.
All that I wanted,
was to make it not your fault.
Point your finger,
assign me the blame.
As long as it makes you hurt less,
I can bear this pain.
And still here you are,
ungrateful husk of a wanna-be man.
Poisoning my mind,
with your childish stand.
Move on, let me go.
It's over and I wanna be left alone.