Wednesday, September 10, 2008

To Change a Life. . .

What do I want to do in life? What am I going to school to become? These are standard adult sized questions that are asked everyday. Sometimes we don't have the answer to them, but don't worry they'll come to you in time. I have my answers and I want to share.

What do I want to do in life? Well, I want to change other peoples lives in a very big kind of way! You see, I'm going to school to become a changer. . .or better known as a Teacher. I know, I know, teachers don't get paid much and they do a LOT. But really, I don't care about the money. Money is just green paper that people throw around to seem big and powerful when most of the time they're not. No, I'm not in it for the money. I want to become a teacher because when I was in school and I was hurting there were a few teachers there for me. These teachers showed me what it really meant to teach. To teach has nothing to do with what you get paid or how many hours you put in at work. Teaching goes farther than the classroom and the lesson at hand! If all I do in life is change one persons life for the better everything I've done and gone through will be worth it. And believe me, I've heard the whole "you're a stupid idealist" jab before. And to all those who think that way my answer is, "I don't care what you think or what you have to say about it. I don't care if it is idealist and I will tell you it is certainly NOT stupid." This is how I feel and I don't see anything wrong with it. . .

So, you know if you don't know what you want to do or what you're doing in life it's alright! With time you'll figure it out. But I know what I want to do, I want to change a life!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Words. . .

Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but words may never hurt me.

This little childhood ryme is just a lie. Sure, only you have power over what you allow to get to you but words have points that can puncture any barier. It's much easier to take a beating than to listen to someone tear you down with what they have to say. But, that's just the misuse of words. There is so much more to them than just that.

I've been thinking for a while on how to broach the subject of words, I think of them often. To me they have a flavour, a texture, a smell! They are not just sounds! Mere syllables assigned a meaning. When a word is spoken it is born into this world and given new life and new meaning aside from what the dictonary has to say about it. It does not matter what language the words are spoken in, they are all beautiful and unique. Words are not bad unless you make them bad! I love words and could go on all day about them but something written on a forum I'm a member of caught my eye and I'd like to share what other people have to say about words.

"This was a simple reply to someone's foolishness on another website, but it touched me and I wanted to share with everyone here.

Mere words? Mere words? Do you have any idea the power that words carry? Words are the currency of our lives, coins falling from our lips and fingers. And far too many of us spend them without thinking, on things that are meaningless or harmful to ourselves and others. Such language becomes bankrupt, until all the spendthrift can do is mouth empty, worthless noise. Those who spend the currency of their lives wisely can accomplish amazing things. Just with words.


"Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world. -- The Buddha"

Both very touching true things. Words can change the world. So how will you use them?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Good People

When I'm deep in the darkness of depression I often find myself thinking about society and the people in it. One of these ponderances has kept me up many nights and caused me to cry many tears. Where have all the good people in the world gone? You know, those people who go out of their way to help others. Sometimes I see a dark map in my head and there are tiny lights strewn across it, slowly one by one the lights blink out and I'm left staring at darkness. I wonder if these people die or if the world just finally gets to them. . . Whatever it is, I don't see a lot of them anymore and it disturbs me.

Well, I saw one of these good people in action this weekend. My grandmother was admitted to the hospital with super high blood sugar and super low blood pressure. The man, Dr. Ned Pillow, checked on her at all hours and took good care of her. Dr. Pillow is one of these good people. I believe that he's the best thing that's ever happened to Phillips County Arkansas. I can not begin to explain the feeling I get when I see him working to help those who need him. It makes me think that maybe there are angels but they're not like the angels you see in pictures. They don't have halos and wings, nor are they Divine being sent from God. I think that angels are these good people. People like Dr. Ned Pillow that go out of their ways to help those in need. In this world of "me and mine" it's refreshing to see such caring kindness given to others.

All I can wish for is that I may carry on this gift. I want to give that kind of love to others. I know hardship and pain. I've been down that road and it's dark and lonely. I want to be a helping hand or friendly smile to ease the pain of those traveling that road. So when you see someone in need and you're in a hurry tied up in all that YOU have to do and all that YOU need to accomplish, stop and think about all that they are going through and offer something selflessly to them because the world needs more good people!

Fear of the Unkown

Why fear what we do not know? A great man once said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." I really think that that statement is true. How many times has fear led people down a blind path to destruction? Likewise, fear of the unknown leads to sadness. Don't fear what is in the darkness, walk forward with steady feet. If you do not fear the unknown you miss fewer opportunities. Fear gets in the way of living ones life to the fullest. So set aside this cliched feeling and walk forward with certainty that fear will not hinder your steps.